Beta webpage

The Beta Eta Chapter House Association was established by Alumni in 1904 to build and maintain the Chapter House that stands today.

Repairs and improvement projects are funded by donations to the Building Fund.

Paypal donate button

P.O. Box 1052
Portland ME 04101

Homecoming 2024 Report

"We had a beautiful sunny day for a visit to the Beta House! The boys did a good job hosting us, the place was as clean as I've ever seen it in a BUNCH of locations, and they ran the grill all afternoon to feed us all. Did my share of candidate interviews and found myself inspired by these young men. Enjoyed my 50th Homecoming as a Beta with my pledge brothers John Gerard and Kevin Trinward, and a few of the usual suspects from the era." (see pictures below)
-Eddie Stevens BH 1115

Board Sets Plan For Investment in the Future

The renewal of the Beta Eta House lease for a 30-year term was announced at the Annual Meeting held Saturday, October 18, 2024 at the Chater House. This will secure the foundation for our long-term infrastructure efforts.

To address critical needs, we have set a $700,000 fundraising goal. Individuals who make significant contributions will be honored with a formal recognition memento in the House, with details to follow. Your support, no matter the size, will make a lasting impact on our fraternity’s future. Now is the time to come together and ensure the legacy of our brotherhood for decades to come.

To donate, please use the link below or contact Keith Ward, Beta Eta Housing Corp-Fundraising Chair, at Together, we can preserve our legacy and uphold our proud traditions.

Yours in -kai-,

The Members of the Beta Eta Chapter House Association Board (Housing Corp)

Repairs and improvement projects are funded by donations to the Building Fund.

Paypal donate button



Snapshots from Homecoming

beta smaller

Kevin (Wezak) Trinward 1114, Dennis Bowden 1062, Norman Twaddel 1102, Linda Hill, Fast Eddie Stevens 1115, Jud Crook 1103, Norman "Gerber" Hill 1106, John "Big Cat" Gerard 1112.

Beta House Hancock Side

BH Chapter Room